Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Spread Of Arabic TV Channels

By Crystal Salazar

There are just a few cases where most of the television systems are government owned and controlled. One of those cases is Arabic TV system. The main reason for this situation is the fact that it is seen as a potential political instrument because of its influence on the most of population.

During the 1950s, broadcasting underwent in Lebanon and Iraq, and started to be more and more popular among population. So, in the next ten years, thirteen other Arab countries followed this trend. But, in 1975, all Arab countries came to have its television stations when North Yemen introduced it.

But it is known that even before 1950s, some number of Arab population was exposed to television. The main reason for this is French language which is well known in some of the Arabic countries. So, one part population who speaks French, watched television channels from France across Mediterranean. Also, one part of population who lived near U. S. Military base was exposed to United States television channels. One more provider was Arabian American Oil Company, or ARAMACO, in east part of Saudi Arabia, which also provided Unites States television channels.

There are two main reasons for Arabs having this kind of situation. First reason is when government used television to express nationalism and peruse nation state building, during the period after the World War II. They have seen this as a tool for protection from new and current enemies. Second reason for government controlling TV was the fact that commercial advertising is limited, so commercial investors could not have a profit.

However, regional television is having a significant growth in the last few years. There are more and more television viewers. Broadcasters are trying to make add some innovations to their programming because of the rivals in the market. The best way for them to make it is television series which have the highest ownership and profit.

Yet, new trends are emerging in Middle East television. So, television channels should provide high quality programming, only to survive in market. Challenging situation are prices which are increasing more and more.

There are three most viewed TV channels. Those are Abu Dhabi TV, Kuwait TV and Saudi Arabian TV. Abu Dhabi TV is known for its high quality Arabic language broadcasted. It offers a lots of television entertainment to Arab Americans in United States. Kuwait TV is popular because of its family programming which provides environment for quality family viewing. Providing great social, political and economical programs is the best side of Arabian TV. Al Quran Al karim and Voice of the Kingdom are also included in the service of Arabian TV. Other popular channels are Dubai TV, Syria Satellite Channel, Jordan Satellite, Ana TV, Iraq TV, Palestinian Satellite, etc.

The changing trends in Arabic TV system present multitude of challenges and opportunities for Arab broadcasters. Huge benefits will be accomplished by progressive players with abilities to invest and be in the line with new emerging trends.

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