Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Attractive Personality of Cable Television To Its Customers

By William Baretta

When cable TV was first introduced in the U.S., one of the pillars in its line of TV replays that were produced by one of the three major networks. If you were lucky, you can also pick up some old movies from time to time.

Beyond that, there was not much of a difference between it and the networks. The first important thing that changed the industry was started by an executive named Ted Turner, which began airing a lot of sports in one of its cable television stations. Due to his foresight and intuitive, the hearing of his season clouds, which allowed him to develop an entertainment empire.

People in the television industry realized the success that Ted had, and some of them got together and started a cable television station ESPN new call. Because of this, now you can watch sports at almost any time of day or night you want.

Ted was not the kind of person who liked to live in the past, so he came up with a new idea, which was 24 hours a day, 7 days a news station in the week. The most powerful executives in the industry thought he was crazy at that time. The station called CNN began, and now you can see in almost every country in the world.

Music has always been very popular, so what better way to promote the new material from a band that by producing a video showing it. The problem was that there was no television channels dedicated to the spread of this form of entertainment. Once again, a few very smart people, got together and started MTV. As a result, music fans everywhere can enjoy success next break at any time.

The next new type of show that increased cable TV viewership was the reality series. One of the first ones that captured so much attention, was called "The Osbournes", which also happened to be shown on MTV. It featured the heavy metal singer Ozzy Osbourne and his family, and quickly became a smash hit shortly after it began being televised.

Out there someplace, is a very creative person that is trying to come up with a new type of television show that will change cable TV forever. Who knows what it will be like or who the creator will be, the only thing that you can be certain of, is that someday something new will come along that will become an overnight sensation.

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